do you feel like your skin needs a brighter glow? when exfoliation and topical creams aren’t giving you the glass skin glow you’re craving, it’s time to consider upping your treatments. the BBL photofacial will help you achieve better skin tone and texture. this device is designed to activate the skin’s natural healing processes without actually harming delicate dermal tissue. As your skin attempts to repair itself, it will shed its dull, damaged outer layer and form supple, vibrant new skin. during this process, skin-firming proteins (like collagen and elastin) are produced in abundance, mitigating some of the effects of age-related collagen loss. the light emitted during BBL therapy also breaks down the dark pigment inside the layers, age spots and freckles, diffused redness, visible vessels, cherry angiomas — creating a more even skin coloration. book your session online!