

if you love to bask in the sun leisurely on a beach listening to a podcast or catch a midday wave and feel the salt on your skin and sun in your hair — the sun has been good to you! And, as much as we use the sun for stress relief, a good dose of vitamin D, and improved sleep — as we age and have more exposure to it, the less it loves us back. sun gets a bad reputation for as a cause of skin cancer, sunburn, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, but when it’s enjoyed in moderation & responsibly (SPF!!!) most of the damage can be avoided. hyperpigmentation can come from our love of the sun, hormonal fluctuations, or injury to the skin — often seen as residual acne marks. it can be hard to treat because when UV rays are involved, it means trying to reverse sometimes 10 to 20 years of damage. When you begin to treat hyperpigmentation, patience & dedication is the best approach! there are various topical treatments you can use to treat hyperpigmentation but if you’re looking for a quick and permanent solution, an IPL (intense pulsed light) facial is IT ✨ ! IPL treatment is wonderful for removing hyperpigmentation caused by both internal and external influences, and aims to restore a balanced, glowing complexion — however is it best done in the fall and winter months when we don’t have active tans. so enjoy the summer with protected skin, and plan IPL for fall and stay fresh with a hydrafacial in the meantime. book online.

Melissa Baker