

So many skin conditions are related to an inappropriate release of inflammatory chemicals. ah, inflammation, that buzziest of buzzwords. at its core, inflammation is your body’s response to a perceived threat to your health. this can be a good or bad thing. inflammation plays a crucial role in keeping you healthy, because your body needs to to defend itself from true dangers, like flu viruses. but sometimes your body can overreact to substances that are actually harmless—hello, allergies—or something that at least doesn’t require such a disproportionate response. a lot of the time, that thing is stress. the stress response—whether we’re being chased by a bear, facing a deadline at work or dealing with a global pandemic—is all the same. your immune system gets ready to do battle and it does this by releasing chemicals like interleukins, which, in order to help protect your health, cause inflammation. if your genetics, environment, or both make you susceptible to certain skin-related ailments, this inflammation can also make them flare up. stress is a general trigger that can make the skin misbehave in whatever way it’s prone to misbehaving, such as acne break outs, rosacea flare ups and eczema patches for example 🖕🏼 stress can also make you more likely to slack on your usual healthy habits, which can come with side effects. when we’re experiencing a great deal of stress, we spend less time taking care of ourselves— you’re not sleeping well, if you’re not taking the time to wash your face, if you’re not eating well or drinking enough water, that can impact your skin negatively. meditation, exercise & nourishing your insides with healthy food are all natural stress relievers that provide relief during times of duress, as well as during copacetic times. now is a great time to add any or all into your routine! your skin will thank you for it ✨💙

Melissa Baker